Pool Renovations Perth, Western Australia
Below are a few image gallery's of Renovations that we have recently completed.
Pool Renovation - Duncraig

Before Renovation
This photo of a pool in Duncraig, shown the pool after the preparation process has been done. The brown spots showing are blackspots and blisters, after they have been sanded back.

Pool Blisters
This photo is a close up, of what the blackspots and blisters look like after they have been sanded back.

After Renovation
This is the same pool in Duncraig, after the completed swimming pool renovation, done with the 'Aquaguard System', by Universal Pools. The customers chose the colour 'Lagoon Blue'.
Pool Renovation - Hilton
Before Renovation
This was an old worn out pool in Hilton, that the owners decided was time for a well deserved swimming pool renovation, and called in the experts at Universal Pools. The hoses and pumps have been placed in the pool to begin emptying.
Pool braced and being emptied
The pool has now been acro-propped, during the emptying process.
Pool being re-fibreglassed
This photo shows the process of applying fibreglass matting and vinyl ester resin, to the walls and floor of pool.
Pool Renovation Complete
These photos are showing the completed renovation. The fillcoat has been applied the day before, and these show the pool with the final application, the topcoat. The colour chosen by the clients is 'Sapphire Blue'.
Pool ready to swim in again
This is the same renovated pool, re-filled with water, ready to swim in again.
Pool Renovation Concrete Pool - Keysbrook

Before Renovation
This was an old neglected concrete pool on a property in Keysbrook. The owners decided it was time for a complete renovation, and called in Mick from Universal Pools.

During Renovataion
This photo shows the fibreglass matting being laid out on the floor of the pool.

After Renovation
This is the pool, with the completed renovation. Hard to believe it's the same pool, an amazing transformation. Owners chose, 'Sapphire Blue'.
Pool Renovation Concrete Pool - Jandakot

During Renovataion
This awesome concrete pool was built by the owner, who wanted a lasting fibreglass/colour surface for his pool. He called in Mick from Universal Pools. This photo shows the pool, after the fibre glassing process has been applied.

After Renovation
This photo shows the completed pool, using the Aqua guard System'. The owners chose, Pacific Blue' as the colour.
Pool Renovation - Lesmurdie

Before Renovation
This is an old, worn out little courtyard pool in Lesmurdie, being emptied.

This photo is showing you the repair of all visible black spots and blisters, done during the renovation process.

Blister's Repair
This photo shows that the preparation process has been done, and in the process of getting the fibreglass application ready.

After Renovation
These 2 photos show the completed renovation, with a great result. The owners chose 'Sapphire Blue'.
Pool Renovation - Leeming
Before Renovation
These are 2 'before renovation' photos of an old pool in Leeming.
After Renovation
These 2 photos showing the same pool, after the renovation by Universal Pools. The owners also chose 'Sapphire Blue'.
Pool Renovation - Lynwood

Before Renovation
This before photo of a worn out pool in Lynwood was in need of a professional makeover by Universal Pools. Acro-props have been placed in the pool, and hoses and pumps are also in, to empty the pool.

After Renovation
This is the After Renovation' photo of the same pool.

This is a close up, showing the steps at the shallow end of the pool. The owners chose Sapphire Blue.

Re-filled with water and ready to swim in again.
Pool Renovation - Safety Bay

Before Renovation
Shows an old worn out pool in Safety Bay, acro-propped and emptied. Shallow end view.

Deep end view.

After Renovation
These 2 photos show the same pool, after being renovated by Universal Pools. Customers chose the colour 'Sapphire Blue'.
Pool Renovation - Willetton

Before Renovation
This photo shows an old pool with a spa in Willetton, in need of a renovation. Pool is being emptied at this time.

These photos show the pool after the renovation process, and all the visible blisters/blackspot, that have been removed and repaired.

After Renovation
These photos all show the same pool after the completed renovation.
Pool Renovation - Ocean Reef
Sometimes a customer requests custom seats to be made in their existing pool, while it is being renovated. Universal Pools offers this service.

This photo shows that a bench seat has been custom made in the shallow end of this pool. This is after the 'fillcoat process' which is the base colour, application.

This photo shows the completed pool renovation and the custom made bench seat in the shallow end of the pool.

This is the same pool showing a custom made 'swimout' seat in the deep end of the pool.

The same pool, different view. The owners also chose the colour Sapphire Blue.
Pool Renovation - Leeming 2

These 2 photos show a completed pool renovation done by Universal Pools, after paving and landscaping works were finished. The owners chose the colour 'Athol Blue'.